Training Camps
San Diego Triathlon Camp
Hosted by Santiago Multisport, LLC
Join us in beautiful La Jolla/San Diego for an amazing weekend of integrative coaching and hands on training. You will be in good hands among some of the best training grounds in the world! This year promises to be better than the last and will prepare you for the best season of your life.
Whether you are training for a sprint triathlon or a full 140.6 distance, Santiago Multisport will guide you with the best tools and knowledge. The only thing you need to do is register and show up!
We are limiting the number of participants to only 12. We are very serious about safety and want each athlete to get the most out of the experience. Last year we sold out! So get signed up fast by RSVP to or Call 858-361-9577
Costs DO NOT include travel and hotel accommodations. We have secured a host hotel in the heart of La Jolla. Space is limited, please register ASAP.
Updated information and list of events coming soon!
Cost – $525.00
sorry, no refunds after deadline. Transfers will be considered.